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Haiku at Work: 'the man from IT'

This week's contest is again in collaboration with Poet in the City, a London charity that brings poetry into everyday life. The topic this time is: the man from IT.

Winning poems from this week and last week's topic (the personal performance review) as well as being published in the FT, will be read and illustrated at Poet in the City's May 11 Haiku event. Runner-up poems will also be displayed.

Please submit no more than one haiku or senryu for each of these topics by April 30.

The judges will be Jim Kacian, founder of the Haiku Foundation, and poet Don Paterson, who teaches poetry at the University of St Andrews and whose collection Rain won the 2009 Forward prize.

Entries should be sent to: [email protected]. For past FT haiku contest winners and hints about what the judges will be looking for go to: www.ft.com/haiku

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