Exodus: Gods and Kings - DVD review

Directed by Ridley Scott, 2014

20th Century Fox

Surfing in on Noah's considerable wake comes Moses, star of the OT's other big watery show-stopper.

Christian Bale stars as the robed crusader - first seen as clean-cut adopted son of a very camp Egyptian court, later leading his pogonophile people out of bondage.

Director Ridley Scott wrestles with the same problem as artists through the centuries: how to depict God? Scott's answer: write Him out of it.

The Creator is reduced to a bit player, appearing briefly as a strangely irascible child or seemingly as a figment of Moses's imagination.

The Red Sea parting is a curiously muted affair, but the Ten Plagues don't disappoint, becoming here an extended hymn to the miracle of CGI.

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