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Leaders' TV debate: The highs and lows

Ed MilibandLabour party leader

Key Quote: "David [Cameron], if you think this election is about leadership, debate me one on one ... debate me and let the people decide."

High Point: Taking on SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon: "You can come along on the stage tonight and deny the need for difficult decisions and plan £7.6bn of cuts in Scotland but I don't think it's going to convince anyone."

Low Point: Struggling to meet Ukip leader Nigel Farage's challenge to identify any areas where he could find substantial savings via public sector cuts.

Nicola SturgeonScottish National party leader

Key Quote: "I want to say to Ed we share a desire to kick out the Tories but we don't want replace them with Tory-Lite. We must replace them with something better."

High Point: "We have a housing crisis in this country. You know what, Nigel Farage? It isn't caused by immigrants. In your world every problem is caused by immigrants."

Low Point: Being told by Ed Miliband "it's a no, I'm afraid" when seeking rapprochement over "progressive" common ground.

Nigel FarageUK Independence party leader

Key Quote: "This year we are borrowing £90bn, our debt is £1.5tn, we have a real problem here and I have not heard from you, Ed, a single cut that you would make."

High Point: "If you have net migration running at 300,000 a year, that's 300,000 people who need somewhere to live."

Low Point: Accusing the BBC of assembling a biased audience. "This is a remarkable audience even by the left-wing standards of the BBC."

Natalie BennettGreen party leader

Key Quote: "The Green party are the real challengers offering a million new jobs, combating climate change, protecting vital community services. Challenge the establishment, vote Green."

High Point: Passionately defending immigration to the UK. "One in four doctors are foreign-born, 40 per cent of NHS staff are foreign-born"

Low Point: Focusing her opening remarks on Caroline Lucas, her predecessor as Green party leader.

Leanne WoodPlaid Cymru leader

Key Quote: "Our MPs will work with progressives from other parties to deliver prosperity, investment, job creation, public services and strong communities."

High Point: Challenging Ed Miliband to hold an emergency Budget if he wins the election. "Labour are letting the Tories off the hook by committing to Tory spending plans. Would Ed Miliband hold an emergency Budget after the election to reverse this?"

Low Point: Appeared to say that defence accounted for 6 per cent of GDP - when correct figure is about 2 per cent.

In depth: UK election 2015

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