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Miliband's manifesto pledges

The highlights of the Labour manifesto, launched on Monday by Ed Miliband with the slogan "Britain can be better", include:

Budget responsibility lock: To guarantee the deficit will be cut every year and that every policy will be "paid for without a single penny of extra borrowing".

All the main parties will have to submit their tax and spending commitments to the Office for Budget Responsibility for auditing.

Labour will promise to cut the deficit in its first and every subsequent Budget, verified by the OBR.

Fiscal rules will be introduced to ensure the national debt falls every year and that there will be a surplus by the end of the next parliament.

Main policies include:

? A 50p tax rate on annual incomes of more than £150,000 and a lower 10p starting rate of income tax.

? Abolition of non-dom status that gives tax privileges to mostly wealthy foreigners living in the UK.

? £2.5bn NHS Time to Care fund. To be paid for by the mansion tax on properties worth more than £2m and a levy on tobacco companies. An extra 8,000 GPs, 20,000 nurses and 3,000 midwives. "You can't fund the NHS with an IOU and the Conservatives need to learn that lesson," Mr Miliband said.

? Cap on private profits in the NHS.

? Repeal Health and Social Care Act.

? 25 hours of childcare for working parents of children aged three and four and doubling paid paternity leave to four weeks. There will be a new national childcare service paid for by increasing the banking levy by £800m.

? A new threshold for a bank's market share.

? Cut and freeze business rates for 1.5m small companies.

? Reduce class sizes for children aged five to seven. Paid for by ending the free schools programme.

? Freezing gas and electricity bills until 2017.

? A £7.5bn crackdown on tax abuses.

? Ensure 200,000 homes are built a year by 2020.

? Abolish bedroom tax.

? Ban zero-hours contracts and raise the minimum wage to "more than £8 an hour by October 2019". "Everyone who works regular hours will get a regular contract," Mr Miliband said.

End winter fuel payments for rich pensioners and cap child benefit rises.

? Cut government ministers' pay by 5 per cent.

? Cut university tuition fees from £9,000 per year to £6,000.

? Rip up the rail network franchising model and ensure publicly run operators can take over running trains. Rail fares will be frozen for a year - at a cost of £200m - funded by delaying road projects on the A27 and A358. A strict fare rise cap on every route.

? Guarantee an apprenticeship place for all school leavers who meet a required standard.

? No rise in VAT or national insurance.

? More powers for Scottish and Welsh parliaments and English towns.

? Extend right to vote to 16- and 17-year-olds.

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