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Iranian naval vessels sail near Yemen as proxy war intensifies

Iran has deployed naval vessels to waters near Yemen in a signal of increasing external involvement after almost two weeks of Saudi-led air strikes against rebel Shia Houthi forces loosely allied to the Islamic republic.

Two ships are being deployed as part of "anti-piracy efforts" in the strategic trade routes that connect the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea, according to Iran's English-language broadcaster Press TV.

The channel reported Iran's Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari saying that the vessels would be "safeguarding naval routes for vessels in the region."

The Iranian move comes after the US this week pledged to increase the provision of arms and intelligence to the Saudi-led coalition that has for two weeks been bombarding Houthi targets across the country and airlifting weapons to fighters loyal to Yemen's president, Abd-Rabbu Hadi, who has fled the country.

The naval deployment highlights the rising tensions surrounding the worsening conflict in Yemen after Sunni states led by Saudi Arabia launched an air campaign against the Zaydi Shia Houthis.

Riyadh and its Gulf allies say Yemen is the latest example of Tehran expanding its influence through proxies across the Arab world.

Iran has denied it is providing military aid to Houthi forces, whose rapid advance through the country since last year has been propelled by an alliance with former Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who retains extensive influence through the country's armed forces.

Iran's deputy foreign minister on Wednesday reiterated calls for a ceasefire, saying Tehran would help the formation of a government of national unity in the country.

The regional proxy conflict in Yemen comes against the backdrop of a provisional agreement between western powers and Iran to limit the Islamic republic's nuclear development.

Gulf states have given cautious backing to the deal, agreed in Switzerland last week, while condemning what they regard as Iranian interference in the Yemeni conflict.

Fierce fighting continues in the southern port city of Aden, which overlooks the waters where Iran is deploying its vessels. Houthi-allied forces, using tanks, artillery and armoured vehicles, have been engaging in fierce street-to-street combat over the past few days with units loyal to the president.

Agencies say more than 500 people have been killed, including 74 children, and 100,000 displaced since Saudi-led air strikes began.

Aid shipments have started to reach Aden, where hospitals are struggling to cope with casualties, water supplies are scarce and the cost of staple goods is soaring.

Yemen has descended into chaos since the overthrow of Mr Saleh in the 2011 Arab uprisings.

Houthi forces burst out of their northern enclave in 2013, gradually expanding their power before taking control of the capital last September, setting in motion the events that led to regional intervention.

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