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Scottish leaders' TV debate: Highs and lows

Nicola SturgeonScottish National party leader

Key Quote: "I'm offering to help make Ed Miliband prime minister."

High Point: Argued that Labour was not offering an alternative to Tory austerity and put Mr Murphy under pressure by attacking the Blair government for introducing university tuition fees, starting the privatisation of the NHS and leading the country into war in Iraq.

Low Point: Came under heavy attack from all three other party leaders over the SNP's record in government in Scotland on health, education and policing.

Jim MurphyScottish Labour party leader

Key Quote: "Only Labour is big enough, only Labour is strong enough to defeat the Tories at this election."

High Point: Strongly attacked Nicola Sturgeon's argument that voters should pick the SNP to help keep David Cameron out of Downing Street; Mr Murphy said Labour could do a better job on its own. Won audience applause after making a strong case for retaining the Trident nuclear deterrent.

Low Point: Strayed from the script when he promised no cuts after 2016.

Ruth DavidsonScottish Conservative party leader

Key Quote: "We will do no deals with the people who want to break up Britain."

High Point: Presented herself as a staunch defender of the union in a bid to win pro-UK voters by ruling out a deal with the SNP.

Low Point: Her attempt to duck questions on Margaret Thatcher's record by saying she was too young to remember it.

Willie RennieScottish Liberal Democrat party leader

Key Quote: "You can't put a party that wants to break up Britain in charge of Britain."

High Point: Argued that only his party could stop the country veering off to the left or the right and keep the economic recovery of the past few years on track.

Low Point: Looked uncomfortable when challenged on the coalition's record on welfare and benefits.

In depth: UK election 2015

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