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Hassler Roma hotel bar, Rome

Where Piazza Trinita dei MontiWiFi YesPlug sockets YesEspresso €6.50Open 11am - 1amPrivacy points 5/5

Forget the noisy crowds outside as you enter the intimate cocktail bar on the ground floor of the Hassler, a luxurious hotel right at the top of the Spanish Steps, in the heart of Rome, which first opened in 1893.

The atmosphere is English club meets private party. The small space has dark wood panelling, chairs and sofas are upholstered in red leather, and a painting of the nearby panoramic Pincio terrace sits opposite the bar. Live piano music seeps in from the Salone Eva lounge.

The bar has been the setting for many significant political and business meetings over the years. In 1957 all the signatories to the Treaty of Rome, the EU's founding agreement, stayed at the Hassler.

The bar is also one of the most popular spots in the capital for entrepreneurs, diplomats and politicians, who like its central and exclusive location, not far from government and parliament buildings. Many come here to hold discreet conversations without being overheard or disturbed, and some even close important deals or agreements.

The names of Hollywood stars also feature in the hotel's so-called Golden Book. It is not unusual to find celebrities organising their dinner and evening plans as they sip one of the many cocktails on the menu.

The Veruschka and the Hassler Martini, concoctions made with pomegranate juice, are the bar's signature drinks.

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