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Leaders' TV debate: The highs and lows

David CameronConservative party leader

Key Quote: "Let's stick to the plan that's working. Let's not go back to square one."

High Point: Accused Labour of failing to practise what they preached on zero hours contracts, saying 70 of their MPs employed staff in this way.

Low Point: Remarks on the economy concentrated heavily on Conservative record of the past five years, opening the prime minister to attacks that he had little to say about the future.

Ed MilibandLabour party leader

Key Quote: "David Cameron said: 'Kick me out if I fail to deliver' [on immigration]. Well, I suggest you do."

High Point: Strong attack on the prime minister for "breaking your bond of trust with the British people" over the NHS.

Low Point: Came under heavy attack from SNP and Plaid Cymru for supporting some cuts in public spending. They accused him of offering "austerity light".

Nicola SturgeonScottish National party leader

Key Quote: "None of us can afford more austerity."

High Point: Launched strong attack on all three main UK parties for supporting what she termed unnecessary austerity; at pains to stress that she wanted to work constructively with the rest of the UK.

Low Point: Did not fully explain how she would pay for her proposed additional public spending.

Nigel FarageUK Independence party leader

Key Quote: "As members of the European Union, what can we do to control immigration? Nothing."

High Point: Scored hit on all the other parties by pointing out that the national debt had doubled during the last Parliament and that "we have maxed out the credit card".

Low Point: Attempt to blame foreigners diagnosed with HIV for draining NHS resources backfired; audience cheered other party leaders for putting him down.

Natalie BennettGreen party leader

Key Quote: "The profit motive should have no place in healthcare."

High Point: Avoided the episodes of "brain fade" which have marred some of her earlier campaign interviews.

Low Point: Suggestion that foreign aid budget should rise to 1 per cent of GDP because this would create a better world.

Nick CleggLiberal Democrats party leader

Key Quote: "We will cut less than the Tories and we will borrow less than Labour".

High Point: Attacked Ed Miliband over the financial crisis, telling him to apologise for Labour "crashing the British economy".

Low Point: Attempt to embarrass David Cameron on education cuts backfired when the prime minister reminded him of all the cabinet decisions they had taken jointly and rejected his "pick and mix" approach.

Leanne WoodPlaid Cymru leader

Key Quote: "It's not Polish care workers or Estonian bar workers that caused this crisis, it was bankers."

High Point: Unexpected attack on Labour for accusing them of failing the people of Wales.

Low Point: Agreed with Nigel Farage that there was nothing the UK could do to control immigration from the EU.

In depth: UK election 2015

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